Two Worlds Unite
By: Michael Taub
From his comfortable vantage point high on Bellevue Hill, Michael Taub recounts his turbulent early life and reflects on the momentous events and migrations that have so profoundly affected his life and outlook – his intensely Jewish childhood in rural Hungary, his Holocaust experiences, his coming of age in the fledgeling State of Israel, and his truly remarkable professional career in Australia.
His marriage of over fifty years to Annie, is at the heart of his personal satisfaction and happiness. Together they continue to carefully consider the appropriateness of each step, in terms of morality, responsibility and Judaism. United they have cared for elders, established a home, raised children, and claimed their own place in the vibrant, growing and ever-changing Jewish community of Sydney.
This book serves as a keepsake for the family for generations to come and as a testimonial account of the ‘life that was lost’ in Europe as a result of the Holocaust, and the resilience of those who managed to survive.